Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dr. Lewis Obi Joins Joel Osteen in Extending a Message of Hope for Our Country

During these times of personal stresses and national challenges, such as the looming "Fiscal Cliff," Dr. Lewis Obi maintains that there is always a message of hope and prosperity for our patients and our country. Joel Osteen, who is in Jacksonville as of today, has always conveyed this message of optimism, in that our God, regardless of religious persuasion, wants all of us to prosper and succeed. The American dream is all about God helping people who help themselves and the concept of individualism. As a son of parents who came to this country for religious freedom and the "American Dream," that message still resonates with Dr. Obi.

Dr. Obi became hooked on pastor Osteen while scanning TV channels one Sunday morning almost ten years ago. Shortly afterwards, an opportunity to attend his 2005 event cemented Dr. Obi’s relationship with the Osteens. Not only was he, his wife and staff in attendance for Joel's event, but it evolved into a long standing relationship with the Joel Osteen ministry. This eventually led to a major donation of an original 19th century British bible art collection on behalf of the Obi's. Today Stephanie Loyd, who is Joel’s lead liason tour director, shared with Dr. Obi that his art donation hallows the halls of the Osteen ministry (View photo gallery of entire collection below).

Finally, in the words of Joel, we must continue to believe that we are victors and not victims. When one door closes, another door opens.


  1. Thank you Dr Obi for speaking out we love you!!

  2. Great blog Dr Obi love Joel Osteen

    1. Joel and Victoria:: You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the enormous influence you have had on behalf of God and His Son Jesus Christ. Myra, Alexander and I extend our wishes for a wonderful Easter Season.

      Lewis Obi


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