Palomar is perhaps the world leading producer of medical lasers and 30 months ago introduced Dr. Obi to their newly developed laser lipolysis Slim Lipo™ system.
“I was blown away and in total awe of the magnitude of this high-tech facility outside of Boston where the leading laser scientists are conducting ground breaking research and development,” said Dr. Obi.
Palomar is one of the last American high-tech corporations that are not only conducting laser research and development but entirely producing all of their own medical lasers in house. Palomarʼs most recent innovation is their home-use laser Palovia™ which is marketed through QVC and Nordstrom. This micro fractional laser device sells for only $499 and patients may effectively and safely treat eyelid wrinkles at home.
Dr. Lewis Obi was most impressed with PMTIʼs CEO, Joe Caruso, who directed the tour of his unique facility. Dr. Gregory Altshuler Ph.D. who, during the cold war years, was the director of the St. Petersberg Russian laser program, joined Palomar in 1995. He now heads up R&D with his large team of Ph.D. laser experts.
Plastic surgeon, Dr. Brooke R. Seckel is the medical director of Palomar and is Chairman Emeritus of Plastic Surgery at the Lahey Clinic as well as Assistant Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Seckel is perhaps one of the leading aesthetic laser surgeons in the world.
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