Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The pursuits of Dr. Lewis J. Obi, M.D., F.R.S.A. dictated by passion

This article was written about Dr. Lewis J. Obi by Seth Williams and gives more insite about Dr. Obi and his life's work.

The pursuits of Dr. Lewis J. Obi, M.D., F.R.S.A. dictated by passion
by Seth Williams

It’s been said that life imitates art far more than art imitates life, this couldn’t be a truer statement when interpreted by the trained eyes and skilled hands of an accomplished plas­tic surgeon.

Dr. Lewis Obi is a plastic surgeon who has gained a wealth of knowledge and background from learning ‘hands on’, observing the manifestations of war upon injured soldiers while in the Marine Corps at the early age of 16. The miracles of plastic surgery and his experience in Korea led him in his pur­suit of medicine and polarized his life’s commitment. From age 19 through the age 38, Obi earned a pharmacy degree and continued in his pursuit of higher education earning a degree in plastic surgery and finally, board certification. Obi was now able to pursue his life’s passion, sharing his eye for fine art and skills in the field of plastic surgery.

Dr. Lewis Obi is a groundbreaker and a firm believer in exceptional pa­tient care and treatment of his friends and patients. His passion led him to the establishment of the first and fin­est comprehensive Ambulatory Sur­gery Center in the State of Florida, The Samuel Wells Surgical Center, opening its doors in 1977. Since its inception, the facility has provided patients who prefer the best in pre- and postoperative treatment, world-class amenities, and premier patient care. The center continues to set a benchmark in the industry, satisfying clients who seek privacy and intimacy while undergoing procedures of such a sensitive nature.

The licensed center has many ac­colades to go along with its years of service to clientele. The blemish free record at the center is a testament to the countless hours of training and quali­fications that enable it to be a compli­ant facility with the stringent AHCA, or The State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration, guide­lines. The facility adheres to the out­lined procedures for facility compli­ance and inspections. It also requires the licensed healthcare risk managers implement programs prescribed by statute to accomplish quality assess­ments and improvements that assure greater patient safety. The Samuel Wells Surgical Center has continually gone above and beyond the guidelines, assuring compliance and a continued meticulous training regiment for all staff members.

Dr. Obi is a firm believer in train­ing his staff to handle any situation and perhaps echoes the flawless record of safety at the center. A constant student and educator, Obi expects his staff to learn and understand the risks and pre­ventative measures used to foresee, confront and prevent any complication that may arise while handling surgical patients. All staff registered nurses, an­esthesiologists and visiting physicians handling patients are required to update and actively maintain Advanced Cardi­ac Life Support (or ACLS) procedures and coursework required to understand the risks and prevention of a cardiac emergency. The center also maintains a transfer agreement with the local hos­pitals to ensure patient comfort and in­creasing peace of mind.

Dr. Lewis Obi has been working with qualified Board Certified Plastic Surgeons across the United States and around the world to help patients develop realistic expectations about the benefits of cosmetic surgery. The ‘reality show’ exhibitions that paint an unrealistic pic­ture of such a respected field prompted a comprehensive publication by Obi and his most outstanding peers. He has con­tributed to a book written by the experts titled Be Your Best-A Comprehensive Guide to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery* that incorporates expert advice on all aspects of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery from the nation’s leading authorities. The book guides the inquisitive, educated patient through the history of plastic surgery, the steps associated with discovering a qualified plastic surgeon, common pro­cedures and offers comfort through the understanding of procedural guidelines.

The continual pursuit of knowl­edge and education drives Obi to teach and reach out to others who desire ex­periential learning from the best in the field. “The clear difference,” says Obi, “between many young sur­geons today and a surgeon who has learned skills from a background in reconstructive sur­gery are evident.” The background knowledge gained from residency, continuing into practice, in the reconstructive field of surgery requires problem solving not nor­mally encountered through cosmetic and aesthetic prac­tice alone. The true benefits that Obi feels underlie his continual work in both reconstruc­tive and cosmetic surgery is the ability to troubleshoot and foresee complications in procedures and posses the ability to handle them proper­ly, ensuring the stability of the patient’s condition and safety in the operating room.

There is a gift that the plastic sur­geon has, the ability to share with his or her friends life altering ‘miracles’, enabling people to be their best. Dr. Lewis Obi truly believes he works in the greatest field- where his talents and skills shine- revealing his pas­sion. Uncompromising in his dedica­tion to patient safety and comfort, Dr. Lewis Obi is renowned throughout the Jacksonville region for his pioneering approach to providing aesthetic en­hancement services through his skills in a wide range of plastic surgery pro­cedures, from breast augmentation, breast reconstruction and facelifts to rhinoplasty and liposuction.

In addition to providing cosmetic surgery services, the Lewis Obi Plas­tic Surgery Center offers a wide range of relaxing and refreshing aesthetic enhancement services at the Renais­sance Center for Cosmetic Renewal. The Renaissance Center compliments the plastic surgery practice by provid­ing services in a comfortable, relaxing environment where you are attended by a friendly and professional staff using the latest equipment and procedures.

Beauty enhancement options in­clude Palomar StarLux Pulsed Light System, glycolic chemical peels, fa­cials, microdermabrasion, Botox® injections, filler injections (Juvederm, Radiesse, collagen, and fat), perma­nent make-up and skin care. Products include Prevage MD, Skinceuticals, Revaléskin, Glo Mineral and Brenda Christian make-up.

Dr. Lewis Obi is known for his vi­sion and commitment to professional­ism that highlights and embraces artistic beauty. View Dr. Obi’s website and com­prehensive information at Obi Plastic Surgery or call to set up your con­sultation at 904-399-0905.

*Be Your Best-(Insight Interna­tional Press, LLC-copyright 2006)
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