Thursday, November 17, 2011
Last week Dr. Lewis Obi introduced his innovation, the Opera Lift at an advanced aesthetic symposium in Orlando. You may read details of the Opera Lift™ on our website: OBIPLASTICSURGERY.COM. It is a non-surgical facelift procedure which includes neck tightening with the Slim Lipo laser, Adivive Stem Cell concentrated fat grafting to the face (3D Spacelift) and Botox to the forehead. The Opera Lift Minor may be performed for under $5000 with a down time of 2 to 3 days. This technique is unique to Dr. Lewis Obi who is trying to share his talents with his colleagues with back to back lectures in Orlando and New York.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Palomar Icon, the Dawn of a New Era in Laser and Optimized Light Technology
The Palomar Icon laser and optimized light system is clinically proven to produce results as good as or better than single-procedure lasers with more client comfort. The highpowered Palomar Icon system provides the most-requested aesthetic treatments, with Palomar's many patented innovations.Dr. Lewis Obi is the First Plastic Surgeon on the First Coast to acquire Palomar’s Icon Laser Platform. To commemorate the arrival of this advanced technology, Dr Obi’s Renaissance Center will provide all of its laser treatments at a reduced cost during the next 60 days. Take time to read the details of this revolutionary new advance in lasers along with the it’s numerous aesthetic applications. Read more about the Icon
During the past three years, Dr. Lewis Obi was one of the first plastic surgeons
worldwide to offer LifeSculpt (SlimLipo) laser treatments and has successfully treated more than 350 patients. This year Dr. Obi became the first American Plastic Surgeon to acquire the FDA approved Adivive Fat Processing Unit providing stem cell concentrated fat grafting for both cosmetic and reconstructive patients. This was followed by the acquisition of the MaxStem Incubator and now the Icon™ laser platform. Less than three years ago the Obi Plastic Surgery Clinic acquired the Palomar 500 Starlux Laser which was then the “state of the art” external laser platform. The financial and intellectual investment in this enormous arsenal of technology has been extraordinary particularly in a time of economic reversals. Of particular note is the intellectual and academic contributions made by Dr. Lewis Obi. This year alone, Dr. Obi has lectured at and attended more than ten major plastic surgery meetings and symposia. This month, Dr. Obi will be a featured speaker at advanced symposia in New York and Orlando and will also attend a major stem cell meeting in Miami. Read more about the Icon
Friday, November 4, 2011
Body Sculpting and the New Facelift in the New Economy: Octoberfest Success!
On the 20th of October, the Obi Plastic Surgery Clinic hosted a large gathering for the annual OctoberFest Celebration which was a great success. Dr. Obi shared his recent Santa Monica presentation entitled “Body Sculpting and the New Facelift in the New Economy” with the guests in attendance.

In addition Dr. Obi’s innovation, the "OPERA LIFT" procedure (Obi-Palomar External Rejuvenational Aesthetics) was one of the main topics of discussion. We have received requests for similar future presentations. We will be offering in-house "wine and cheese" type of events on a monthly basis. The first presentation will be delivered by Dr. Obi on Thursday, December 1st. Since participation for each event will be limited to 12 attendees, we encourage you to call our office (904) 399-0905 for enrollment as soon as possible.

Dr. Lewis Obi and his staff extend their wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!
In addition Dr. Obi’s innovation, the "OPERA LIFT" procedure (Obi-Palomar External Rejuvenational Aesthetics) was one of the main topics of discussion. We have received requests for similar future presentations. We will be offering in-house "wine and cheese" type of events on a monthly basis. The first presentation will be delivered by Dr. Obi on Thursday, December 1st. Since participation for each event will be limited to 12 attendees, we encourage you to call our office (904) 399-0905 for enrollment as soon as possible.
Dr. Lewis Obi and his staff extend their wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Plastic Surgeons and patients alike are attracted to acronyms that have
been utilized over the decades in an effort to promote new techniques.
Early in Dr Lewis Obi’s career the term “Mini Lift” was used as a marketing
tool to provide patients with alternatives to the more major and costly face
lifting procedures. The issue of down time from work and social activities
was also a consideration. About every five years or so since the term Mini
Lift was introduced, other trademark procedures have included the “Feather
Lift”, “MACS Lift” and “Life Style Lift”. Except for the “Feather Lift” which
was soon abandoned because of significant complications, none of the
other trademark procedures were unique. However with the recent advent
of advanced technology by Palomar, there is finally justification for a new
acronym The OPERA Lift”. Palomar Medical introduced the LifeSculpt
(SlimLipo) laser platform three years ago and Dr. Lewis Obi was one of the
earliest providers. This year Palomar introduced the Adivive Fat Processing
Unit and Dr. Obi acquired the first FDA approved system.
Dr. Lewis Obi has combined these two technologies and is now offering
patients with a significant alternative to traditional facelifting procedures.
The OPERA Lift is translated into the Obi Palomar External Rejuvenation
Aesthetics and is an entirely non-surgical procedure. Loose facial skin,
deep facial creases, indelible lines and eye hollows are minimized with
Adivive stem cell enhanced fat grafting (an average take of 52%). Neck
tightening is achieved with the Palomar SlimLipo laser platform. Down time
varies from 3 days to 10 days depending on the volume of fat grafting
utilized in the face. The pictures below reflect the patient immediately after
fat grafting and then 3 days later (OPERA minor). The introductory pictures
above reflect a longer recovery because of larger fat volume and the added
surgical procedures of an LJO browlift (OPERA major). The OPERA minor
procedure may be performed with oral sedation whereas the Opera major
is performed with conscious nurse sedation.
Another example of a large volume fat grafting procedure to the face
(Opera major) resulted in a down time of approximately 7 days. Stem cell
concentrated fat may be use in volumes of up to 90 cc thereby resulting in
a “3D Spacelift” that was first described by Dr. Mark Berman of Beverly
Hills. Patients are told that they may benefit with a second but lesser
(OPERA minor) grafting session six months to a year later. Long term
results are expected in the majority of patients.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dr. Lewis Obi shared the podium at an Advanced Symposium with Dr. Mark Berman on October 15th. During the previous day Dr. Obi was privileged to witness new clinical applications of stem cells derived from adult fat. Dr. Berman has worked with Dr. Lee of South Korea and Dr. Yoshimura of Tokyo for the past three years in developing this new technology. Palomar provided Dr. Lewis Obi with the first FDA approved system in January of this year. The Adivive system combined with the SlimLipo laser platform has allowed Dr. Obi to perform total non surgical face and neck rejuvenation at a reduced cost and with less down time. Our next blog will feature the new OPERA LIFT PROCEDURE developed by Dr, Lewis Obi.
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