Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Our staff, pictured above, in attendance at the reception for Dr. Murray on the 9th of December where more than 200 guests and dignitaries attended the event. In addition to introducing Dr. Murray, the guests were provided with an art and clinic tour of our 12,000 square foot facility. Attendees from Los Angeles, New York, Boston and other distant locations were impressed with the display of world class art at the clinic.
A Harpist (pictured right) and Violist played in concert with the other festivities of the evening. The Samuel Wells Surgicenter at the clinic displayed the latest laser technology in the area of laser lipolysis (Slim Lipo platform) as well as the Novodaq Spy imaging system. Dr. John Murray, Dr. Lewis Obi and Memorial Medical Center will be the first Jacksonville providers of this revolutionary technology vital for enhancing results of reconstructive breast procedures.

Our November 17th blog mentioned the prospect of the Obi Plastic Surgery Clinic providing patients with the latest technology regarding the use of autologous fat fillers. Last week our facility was informed that we will be among the first providers of this new science. This will provide our patients with the option of large volume fillers for the face and other areas of the body utilizing the patient’s own fat cells. With this advanced procedure, fat may be taken from unwanted areas, concentrated into stem-cell rich fat and simultaneously transferred as a natural filler with more predictable longevity. As with the Palomar Slim Lipo technique of liposuction that Dr. Lewis Obi has performed on 250 patients during the past two years, this technique of fat transfer may be performed with minimal downtime. Both Dr. John Murray and Dr. Lewis Obi will be providing these procedures on patients at our Samuel Wells Surgicenter beginning next month. The applications of adult stem cell fat transfers in the mastectomy patient in the future is very exciting.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Dr. Lewis Obi Completes 248 Slim Lipo Procedures In Two Years And Will Combine Laser Technique Utilizing Advanced Adult Stem Cell Research Technique.
Last weekend Dr. Lewis Obi was one of two plastic surgeons presenting at Palomarʼs Advanced Symposium on Slim Lipo™ at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando. This was only one of several presentations on laser lipolysis delivered by Dr. Obi during the past two years. Dr. John Murray was in attendance and also accompanied Dr. Obi to Atlanta a month ago to meet with Dr. H. Y. Lee from South Korea. Dr. Lee is not only a plastic surgeon but has a PhD in the biological sciences with 15 years of research and development in the field of adult concentrated stem cell fat. With this new technology unwanted fat is harvested, processed and re-injected in areas including the face, buttocks, breasts and hands with up to a 90% take. This technology is currently supported by Palomar Medical, the Burlington, Massachusetts company that developed Slim Lipo. Therefore, as with Slim Lipo, Dr. Lewis Obi will be one of the first providers in the area of adult stem cell concentrated fat transfers.

Last week Dr. Lewis J. Obi and his new partner Dr. John D. Murray were featured in Resident™ newspaper with the story regarding a ten year relationship. The article titled Groundbreaking Change Arrives at Obi Plastic Surgery highlights the journey and their mission. Dr. Lewis Obi and Dr. Murray will also be featured on the cover of North Florida Doctors magazine next month. A formal reception party welcoming Dr. John Murray will be held next month at the Obi Plastic Surgery Clinic.
Read the article: http://www.obiplasticsurgery.com/pdfs/groundbreaking-plastic-surgery-dr-murray-article.pdf
Read the article on Resident
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dr. John Murray, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, joins Dr. Le
Dr. Lewis J. Obi is pleased to announce the partnership of Dr. John D. Murray into his practice. Dr. Murray was introduced to Dr. Lewis Obi in 2000 by his mentor Dr. John Bostwick of Emory University. The late Dr. Bostwick was a pioneer of breast reconstruction for breast cancer patients . He trained hundreds of eminent plastic surgeons, including Dr. John Murray, from the 1970ʼs until his death in 2001.
Dr. Murray served as the chief plastic surgeon at Susan Komen/University of Illinois for eight years and established the annual Susan Komen Breast Cancer Symposium. Dr. Murray will spearhead the effort to bring the Susan Komen Peoria system to the Jacksonville community of patients. To date there has been an enormous effort by the Jacksonville hospitals to provide quality care to breast cancer patients. Dr. Obi and Dr. Murray will surely complement these efforts.
In addition to continuing the legacy of quality care for all patients, Dr. Obi and Dr. Murray plan to establish a national Breast Cancer Symposium for the Jacksonville area in conjunction with Susan Komen/University of Illininois Medical College. This educational event will be a continuation of what Dr. Murray established in Peoria and will take place in Jacksonville next Spring.
Dr. John Murray is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. For seven years he was a practicing physician with Illinois Plastic Surgery and an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria. Dr. Murray received his BS from Furman University and his MD from Emory University School of Medicine. He completed residencies in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Emory University. He is married to Dr. Paige Murray and together they have two beautiful daughters.
A welcoming reception for Dr. Murray will be held at the Obi Plastic Surgery Center in Jacksonville, in early December. For more information, please call Carole Tindell at 904-399-0905.
Dr. Murray served as the chief plastic surgeon at Susan Komen/University of Illinois for eight years and established the annual Susan Komen Breast Cancer Symposium. Dr. Murray will spearhead the effort to bring the Susan Komen Peoria system to the Jacksonville community of patients. To date there has been an enormous effort by the Jacksonville hospitals to provide quality care to breast cancer patients. Dr. Obi and Dr. Murray will surely complement these efforts.
In addition to continuing the legacy of quality care for all patients, Dr. Obi and Dr. Murray plan to establish a national Breast Cancer Symposium for the Jacksonville area in conjunction with Susan Komen/University of Illininois Medical College. This educational event will be a continuation of what Dr. Murray established in Peoria and will take place in Jacksonville next Spring.
Dr. John Murray is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. For seven years he was a practicing physician with Illinois Plastic Surgery and an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria. Dr. Murray received his BS from Furman University and his MD from Emory University School of Medicine. He completed residencies in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Emory University. He is married to Dr. Paige Murray and together they have two beautiful daughters.
A welcoming reception for Dr. Murray will be held at the Obi Plastic Surgery Center in Jacksonville, in early December. For more information, please call Carole Tindell at 904-399-0905.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
On November 13th Dr. Lewis Obi will be one of the featured speakers at the Palomar Advanced Symposium featuring the Slim Lipo laser lipolysis (LifeSculpt) and other body sculpturing techniques. In April of this year Dr. Obi was a presenter at the annual American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) in Washington D.C. He has presented, lectured and taught numerous plastic surgeons during the past two years. In addition to advanced laser techniques, the symposium in November includes a work shop on the advanced science of concentrating stem cells from human fat. This will provide the patient with a more effective and long lasting filler from the patient’s own fat. This new science will also be applicable in the area of breast reconstruction following mastectomy.
Earlier this month Dr. Obi was the special guest of Dr. John Murray who chaired the Third Annual Breast Cancer Symposium sponsored by Susan G. Komen and University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria. During Dr. Obi’s three day visit he attended dozens of functions and lectures by world famous breast cancer physicians and experts. The symposium was originally organized by Dr. Murray who is a plastic surgeon that has worked with the Komen Center and the Illinois College of Medicine for the past seven years. For the past three years Drs. Lewis Obi and John Murray have been actively collaborating in an effort to bring the Peoria model of comprehensive breast cancer care to Jacksonville. Linda Maricle, Executive Director of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, assured Drs. Obi and Murray that her organization would support their efforts on behalf of breast cancer patients in Jacksonville.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Questions About LifeSculpt Laser Body Sculpting?
We come across a lot of people who want to know more about the LifeSculpt and SlimLipo Laser Body Sculpting - as well as many other plastic surgery procedures. So in doing our part to answer any questions you may have we are proud to present our series of educational videos, begining with our LifeSculpt Laser Body Sculpting video. In this video, you'll find the answers to frequently asked LifeSculpt SlimLipo questions answered by me, Dr. Obi.
If you have any questions to plastic surgery procedures - even cosmetic and med spa procedures - that you would like to know more about, then submit them to carol@obiplasticsurgery.com or in the comment area below and your question may be featured on one of our medical videos!
If you have any questions to plastic surgery procedures - even cosmetic and med spa procedures - that you would like to know more about, then submit them to carol@obiplasticsurgery.com or in the comment area below and your question may be featured on one of our medical videos!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
LifeSculpt Demonstration Video - Courtesy of Palomar
Thanks to Palomar, we have a demonstration video of LifeSculpt! The video features an animated version and a live demonstration of the procedure itself.
Contact Obi Plastic Surgery if you would like to schedule a LifeSculpt consultation. And be sure to visit our photo gallery to review before and after photos of our LifeSculpt patients.
Contact Obi Plastic Surgery if you would like to schedule a LifeSculpt consultation. And be sure to visit our photo gallery to review before and after photos of our LifeSculpt patients.
Friday, August 20, 2010
VelaShape Cellulite Treatment Segment on Rachel Ray
The VelaShape Cellulite Treatment was recently featured on the Rachel Ray Show - take a look at this video to see the amazing results yourself! Not only is it unbelievable, but it's the only FDA-approved treatment to reduce the thighs!
Be sure to contact our office at 904-399-0905 to schedule your VelaShape cellulite treatment and reduction appointment at our Renaissance Center for Cosmetic Renewal.
Be sure to contact our office at 904-399-0905 to schedule your VelaShape cellulite treatment and reduction appointment at our Renaissance Center for Cosmetic Renewal.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
VelaShape™ is the 1st FDA-cleared non-invasive medical solution for circumferential reduction and the 1st FDA class II cleared platform for cellulite reduction. The VelaShape platform has also received the CE mark for non-invasive body contouring via temporary circumferential reduction and for reduction of cellulite. Powered by the revolutionary elos technology, VelaShape™ treats the deeper tissues, offering a measurable reduction in fat layers and the upper layers of the skin, resulting in cellulite and circumference reduction. It is an easy non-invasive, no downtime, comfortable deep therapeutic treatment. VelaShape™ features the revolutionary combination of Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage. Used in conjunction with our Palomar SlimLipo™ laser lipolysis, the patient is then assured of optimal results with minimal down time. After years of research for a non-invasive treatment of cellulite and excess body fat, Dr. Obi has finally acquired a device which is supported by research both in the U.S. and Europe. This resulted from our need to replace our original and older technique of Endermologie with a more advanced device that would also enhance the already outstanding results that we have achieved with our SlimLipo patients. To date we have completed SlimLipo treatments on 222 patients including more than 500 anatomic zones. In addition to becoming one of the earliest providers of SlimLipo technology, Dr. Lewis Obi has lectured to and taught this technique to numerous plastic surgeons internationally. New and innovative applications of SlimLipo has been developed by Dr. Obi and now he is one of the first providers of VelaShape™ in combination with SlimLipo. This will advance the combined results of these two modalities to even a higher level. Initial VelaShape treatments are provided to our SlimLipo patients or the patient may elect to acquire a separate VelaShjape treatment package. An introductory package of 3 treatments which normally costs $800 is offered at this time for $400. Treatments are generally 30 minutes and are performed once a week, For details visit our Renaissance Center and click on VelaShape. You may also view these treatments at Syneron’s home page www.syneron.com.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
During the past month Dr. Lewis Obi has continued to remain on the cutting edge of plastic surgery on multiple fronts. During the past week, two experienced board certified plastic surgeons (Tennessee and Illinois) visited the Obi Plastic Surgery Center for preceptorships and learning experiences with Dr. Obi. Also during this period of time Dr. Lewis Obi was selected to lecture at an advanced International Slim Lipo Symposia in Orlando on November 11, 2010. By completing Slim Lipo on more than 215 patients during the past 19 months, Dr. Lewis Obi continues to lead the pioneering efforts with this revolutionary and new laser technology. Below are photos typical of a recent early result in a 55 year old patient who returned to work two days after the procedure.

In addition to the usual applications of Slim Lipo, Dr. Obi has developed the
technique of laser breast reduction and breast lifts thus avoiding extensive scarring and down time.
Dr. Lewis Obi has been active in the field of reconstructive plastic surgery since he began his practice and today he continues to provide care in the areas of breast cancer, skin cancers including melanoma as well as traumatic deformities. It is interesting to note that the origin of the term “Plastic Surgery” has nothing to do with the synthetic polymer material plastic but originates from the Greek word plastikos: to mold or shape. As a medical student Dr. Lewis Obi wrote a paper on the history of plastic surgery which dates back at least 4000 years. This germinal paper was published internationally in “Medical World News”.
Another educational hallmark this month was the completion of a course by Dr. Lewis Obi on advanced cardiac life support (ACLS). Dr Obi was the first plastic surgeon in Jacksonville to become ACLS qualified and has maintained this certification for the past 32 years. This qualification provides the physician with the highest level of proficiency required if a patient develops any type of cardiac or pulmonary problem during surgery. ACLS certification requires consistent review and study with testing every 2 years. All of Dr. Obiʼs nurses are also ACLS certified on a bi-annual level.
Finally, the Obi Plastic Surgery Center has added the technique of Sclerotherapy, Spider Vein Treatment, to the list of services they provide. Nurse practitioner Michelle Zager has completed training for this technique and will provide treatments for superficial varicose veins of the legs and thighs. Please visit our Renaissance Center Med Spa in Jacksonville to learn more about Sclerotherapy for more information on this technique.
Click on image below to view a larger picture

In addition to the usual applications of Slim Lipo, Dr. Obi has developed the
technique of laser breast reduction and breast lifts thus avoiding extensive scarring and down time.
Dr. Lewis Obi has been active in the field of reconstructive plastic surgery since he began his practice and today he continues to provide care in the areas of breast cancer, skin cancers including melanoma as well as traumatic deformities. It is interesting to note that the origin of the term “Plastic Surgery” has nothing to do with the synthetic polymer material plastic but originates from the Greek word plastikos: to mold or shape. As a medical student Dr. Lewis Obi wrote a paper on the history of plastic surgery which dates back at least 4000 years. This germinal paper was published internationally in “Medical World News”.
Another educational hallmark this month was the completion of a course by Dr. Lewis Obi on advanced cardiac life support (ACLS). Dr Obi was the first plastic surgeon in Jacksonville to become ACLS qualified and has maintained this certification for the past 32 years. This qualification provides the physician with the highest level of proficiency required if a patient develops any type of cardiac or pulmonary problem during surgery. ACLS certification requires consistent review and study with testing every 2 years. All of Dr. Obiʼs nurses are also ACLS certified on a bi-annual level.
Finally, the Obi Plastic Surgery Center has added the technique of Sclerotherapy, Spider Vein Treatment, to the list of services they provide. Nurse practitioner Michelle Zager has completed training for this technique and will provide treatments for superficial varicose veins of the legs and thighs. Please visit our Renaissance Center Med Spa in Jacksonville to learn more about Sclerotherapy for more information on this technique.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Dr. Lewis Obi to date has completed SlimLipo treatment of more than 200 patients and in more than 500 anatomic zones. Because of Dr. Obiʼs dedication and enormous experience with this new technology, Palomar has continued to rely on Dr. Obiʼs expertise in training other plastic surgeons. In recent months he has lectured nationally and also teaches at his licensed plastic surgery center in Jacksonville.
We would like to share our depth of experience and expertise by offering SlimLipo patients 20% professional courtesy for future procedures. This offer will be honored throughout the summer ending on Labor Day. The summer is a great time to get in shape and start losing inches. Within two weeks after SlimLipo you can be at the beach with the new “you”.
We would like to share our depth of experience and expertise by offering SlimLipo patients 20% professional courtesy for future procedures. This offer will be honored throughout the summer ending on Labor Day. The summer is a great time to get in shape and start losing inches. Within two weeks after SlimLipo you can be at the beach with the new “you”.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Join Us for our Peel Day!
June 16th from 9-5
1 Day Only
Vitalize Peel
Skin Medica Sun Protection with SPF 50
($275 value)
Includes Free Gift!!
Call Now to Book Your Appointment
399-0905 or 399-4555
Space is Limited
Don’t Forget Botox Mondays
$9 a unit
Get a TNS Line Refine to Enhance Your Botox
$50 - (Reg $75)
1 Day Only
Vitalize Peel
Skin Medica Sun Protection with SPF 50
($275 value)
Includes Free Gift!!
Call Now to Book Your Appointment
399-0905 or 399-4555
Space is Limited
Don’t Forget Botox Mondays
$9 a unit
Get a TNS Line Refine to Enhance Your Botox
$50 - (Reg $75)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Recently, Dr. Lewis Obi of Obi Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, Florida, was interviewed by the news media regarding his professional experience in the area of skin cancers and the implications of sun exposure. This was prior to this week’s Florida Times Union article on the FDA concerns regarding chemicals used in the vast majority of sunscreens.
Click here to view the attached article (in PDF format) for valuable information - not only regarding the dangers of solar exposure but how to select an effective and safe sunscreen for all age groups.
Dr. Lewis Obi has effectively integrated his background as a practicing pharmacist with both his aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery practice. For almost forty years Dr. Obi has treated all three types of major skin cancers including melanomas. Click here to read more about his skin cancer treatments and removal.
Click here to view the attached article (in PDF format) for valuable information - not only regarding the dangers of solar exposure but how to select an effective and safe sunscreen for all age groups.
Dr. Lewis Obi has effectively integrated his background as a practicing pharmacist with both his aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery practice. For almost forty years Dr. Obi has treated all three types of major skin cancers including melanomas. Click here to read more about his skin cancer treatments and removal.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Doctor Obi and his staff would like to wish all of the wonderful mothers of our practice a blessed and Happy Mother’s Day. All of our patients are encouraged to check out our special Mother’s Day celebration party featuring special services by our nurse practioner Micheller Zager and Renaissance specialist Denise Merlo. Our entire staff will host a special celebration which is sponsored by Allergan™ and also featuring Palomar’s Slim Lipo. Please contact our office for details. 904-399-0905
This past week Dr. Lewis Obi was in attendance at the annual meeting of the Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons meeting in Washington, D. C.
On Tuesday morning he presented his paper entitled “A Novel Approach to Non-Surgical Neck Tightening” which was well-received by a large audience of plastic surgeons attending the meeting. This week Dr. Lewis Obi will be one of three plastic surgeon presenters on a national Palomar Webinar which will focus on body sculpting.
The Obi Plastic Surgery Center is finalizing efforts to integrate a comprehensive breast care center into our licensed ambulatory surgery center in Jacksonville, Florida. The Samuel Wells Surgicenter is pursuing a partnership with various local hospitals in these efforts and will spearhead efforts to bring the first accredited comprehensive breast care center into the Jacksonville area.
On Tuesday morning he presented his paper entitled “A Novel Approach to Non-Surgical Neck Tightening” which was well-received by a large audience of plastic surgeons attending the meeting. This week Dr. Lewis Obi will be one of three plastic surgeon presenters on a national Palomar Webinar which will focus on body sculpting.
The Obi Plastic Surgery Center is finalizing efforts to integrate a comprehensive breast care center into our licensed ambulatory surgery center in Jacksonville, Florida. The Samuel Wells Surgicenter is pursuing a partnership with various local hospitals in these efforts and will spearhead efforts to bring the first accredited comprehensive breast care center into the Jacksonville area.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Dr. Oz Show Features Palomar Medical's SlimLipo Body Sculpting Laser
Video take a few seconds to load - please standby
On March 17th, Dr. Oz featured one of Dr. Lewis Obi’s colleagues, plastic surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Rothaus of New York City, performing SlimLipo of the neck.
Dr. Lewis Obi was one of the early plastic surgeons following Dr. Routhaus’ pioneering efforts with Palomar’s cutting-edge LifeSculpt Technology. Next month, Dr. Obi will be featured on Palomar’s webinar presenting his 16-month experience in 180 patients - including Slim Lipo on the 63 necks. Also, next month, Dr. Obi will be featured as a panel speaker at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons in Washington D.C.
As demonstrated on the Dr. Oz “Age Erasers” segment, dramatic results in the neck and other body areas have been achieved with Palomar’s Laser Assisted Liposuction procedure. The neck tightening procedure may be performed under local anesthesia and is minimally invasive with the patient returning to work the next day.
On March 17th, Dr. Oz featured one of Dr. Lewis Obi’s colleagues, plastic surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Rothaus of New York City, performing SlimLipo of the neck.
Dr. Lewis Obi was one of the early plastic surgeons following Dr. Routhaus’ pioneering efforts with Palomar’s cutting-edge LifeSculpt Technology. Next month, Dr. Obi will be featured on Palomar’s webinar presenting his 16-month experience in 180 patients - including Slim Lipo on the 63 necks. Also, next month, Dr. Obi will be featured as a panel speaker at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons in Washington D.C.
As demonstrated on the Dr. Oz “Age Erasers” segment, dramatic results in the neck and other body areas have been achieved with Palomar’s Laser Assisted Liposuction procedure. The neck tightening procedure may be performed under local anesthesia and is minimally invasive with the patient returning to work the next day.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Renaissance Center for Cosmetic Renewal New Website
Dr. Lewis Obi is in the process of updating the web pages for our Jacksonville medical day spa center. The Renaissance Center has been an integral part of our plastic surgery practice for 11 years with the recent addition of many new services. The acquisition of the Palomar Starlux 500™ platform includes “fractional skin resurfacing”. The Palomar Lux 1540 Fractional Laser handpiece delivers light in an array of narrow, focused “microbeams” to create columns of coagulation within the skin. The heated tissue within the columns initiates a natural healing process that forms new, healthy tissue. This results in a fresher, more youthful skin tone and texture. In addition to facial rejuvenation the Starlux 500 also includes specialized hand pieces for permanent hair reduction, treatment of spider veins and varicose veins, treatment of acne and other conditions.
Keep checking the Obi Plastic Surgery web site for the newly launched Renaissance Center pages!
Keep checking the Obi Plastic Surgery web site for the newly launched Renaissance Center pages!
Dr. Lewis Obi Slim Lipo™ (Life Sculpt™) Presentation to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons National Meeting in D.C. April, 2010
Dr. Lewis Obi was recently notified that his paper on the science and clinical application of Palomarʼs™ Slim Lipo for neck tightening was accepted for presentation at ASAPS national meeting next month. Dr Obi has been an active member of ASAPS for more than 30 years. The mission statement from the ASAPS website states: “The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) founded in 1967, is the leading professional organization of plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery who specialize in cosmetic plastic surgery. With 2,400 members in the U.S., Canada, and many other countries, ASAPS is at the forefront of innovation in aesthetic plastic surgery around the world. The mission of the Society includes medical education, public education and patient advocacy.”
Dr. Obiʼs paper entitled “A Novel Approach to Nonsurgical Neck Tightening” reviews his first 12 months experience in 43 patients. After almost 16 months of clinical experience Dr. Lewis Obi has completed Slim Lipo procedures on more than 170 patients including more than 60 necks. Some of these results may be viewed on our website. The vast majority of neck patients have been able to return to work in 2 to 3 days.
To learn more about Dr. Obi and his endevour with LifeSculpt, visit http://www.obiplasticsurgery.com.
Dr. Obiʼs paper entitled “A Novel Approach to Nonsurgical Neck Tightening” reviews his first 12 months experience in 43 patients. After almost 16 months of clinical experience Dr. Lewis Obi has completed Slim Lipo procedures on more than 170 patients including more than 60 necks. Some of these results may be viewed on our website. The vast majority of neck patients have been able to return to work in 2 to 3 days.
To learn more about Dr. Obi and his endevour with LifeSculpt, visit http://www.obiplasticsurgery.com.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dr. Lewis Obi: Guest Speaker for English Speaking Union
On Sunday, February 8, 2010, Dr. Lewis Obi was the guest speaker at the English Speaking Union which convened at the Timuquana Country Club in Jacksonville, Florida. Although Dr. Obiʼs talk was centered around American Modernist Manierre Dawson, he shared his serendipitous journey into how the fusion of art and medicine has fulfilled his life. “Profession: patron of the arts...Career: plastic surgeon” was the basis of his presentation to a culturally elite audience. In addition to Dr. Obiʼs active involvement with Manierre Dawson during the past 30 years, Obi shared his role as patron, biographer and publisher of British artist Daniel Samuels. As a result of this work Dr. Obi was inducted as a fellow of the Royal Society of Art, London in 1985. Thus Dr. Obiʼs titles of M.D. and FRSA reflects his dual passion and dedication to medicine and art.
The English-Speaking Union is an international charity founded in 1918 to promote "international understanding and friendship through the use of the English language." One of last year's speaker was British author Flora Fraser, step daughter of 2005 Nobel Laureate in Literature Harold Pinter. One of the next speakers will be congresswoman Patricia Schroeder. At the end of World War I, Winston Churchill was instrumental in the formation of the union. Ironically, Lord Charles Churchill (Winston Churchill’s great nephew) accompanied Dr. Obi to the 1985 New York City premier of Daniel Samuels work. The international art firm of Obiarts, Inc. was founded by Dr. Obi as a means of sponsoring artists such as Daniel Samuels FRSA.
The English-Speaking Union is an international charity founded in 1918 to promote "international understanding and friendship through the use of the English language." One of last year's speaker was British author Flora Fraser, step daughter of 2005 Nobel Laureate in Literature Harold Pinter. One of the next speakers will be congresswoman Patricia Schroeder. At the end of World War I, Winston Churchill was instrumental in the formation of the union. Ironically, Lord Charles Churchill (Winston Churchill’s great nephew) accompanied Dr. Obi to the 1985 New York City premier of Daniel Samuels work. The international art firm of Obiarts, Inc. was founded by Dr. Obi as a means of sponsoring artists such as Daniel Samuels FRSA.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Although Dr. Lewis Obi is one of the busiest plastic surgeons in Jacksonville, he dedicates significant time writing papers, training other Jacksonville plastic surgeons, developing new techniques and also an extraordinary dedication to his plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery patients. Currently he is actively completing two clinical presentations for publication as well as an art lecture. His next major event is a presentation on American Modernist Manierre Dawson to the English Club on February 7, 2010. A life long dedication to the arts is quickly apparent once you enter the Obi Plastic Surgery Clinic. Dr. Obi’s work with British artist Daniel Samuels in the 1980’s won him an appointment as a fellow of The Royal Society of Art in London (FRSA 1985). More than a dozen original Daniel paintings are on permanent display at the Obi clinic.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This week Dr. Lewis Obi will have completed Life Sculpt treatments, with the Slim Lipo™ platform in 160 patients over a 14 month period. He has experienced unprecedented success and safety with this procedure as well as a high degree of patient satisfaction. Because of Dr. Obiʼs leadership and expertise in this new technology, patients travel from distant national and international locations seeking these treatments. As the first plastic surgeon in Jacksonville and one of the first in the United States, Dr. Obi has been on the cutting edge of this new technology. In addition to treating traditional areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, arms and neck, this new laser treatment has been a significant tool in the area of breast surgery. With larger breasts, Dr. Lewis Obi has been able to non-surgically achieve a one bra size breast reduction. Life Sculpt™ has also been used in conjunction with breast enlargement procedures to minimize breast sag without extra incisions or scars. As an innovator of this Slim Lipo™ technique Dr. Obi is currently presenting his results to other plastic surgeons. With the recent upgrade of the Slim Lipo™ platform from a 24 watt to a 40 watt system, the plastic surgeon is able to apply more than 3 times the energy level into skin tightening. Dr. Lewis Obiʼs performs all of these procedures in his licensed ambulatory surgery center with a full complement of professional staffing. This highly protected operating room environment includes a registered nurse, laser technician and licensed surgical assistant which we feel is mandatory for patient safety. As a result of this highly professional level of surgical care, Dr. Lewis Obi has had no complications with any of his Palomar Life Sculpt™ patients.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
It's a Valentines Day Celebration at Obi Plastic Surgery
Come join us for our Valentines Day Celebration!
February 8th 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Cheese, Desserts, and Beverage
Get Ready for Valentines Day
Now is the season to peel
Vitalize Peels now ½ off $75 for a very limited time
Are You Ready for Swim Suit Season?
Laser Hair Removal Specials
Bikini $99
Underarms $99
Combo $149
Lower Legs $250
Latisse Special - $95
**If you bring a Friend**
All products 20% off until the end of February
****no special orders in stock items only****
Sweet Heart Package
25 Units Botox
Syringe of Juvederm Ultra Plus
Syringe of Juvederm Ultra Plus
Kiss Me Package
Syringe Juvederm Ultra Plus
Vivite Lip Plumper Vivite Lip Plumper
Botox Available for $9 unit
Register for Brilliant Distinctions and save $25 today
Please Call ASAP Space is Limited
Click here to download the invitation!
February 8th 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Cheese, Desserts, and Beverage
Get Ready for Valentines Day
Now is the season to peel
Vitalize Peels now ½ off $75 for a very limited time
Are You Ready for Swim Suit Season?
Laser Hair Removal Specials
Bikini $99
Underarms $99
Combo $149
Lower Legs $250
Latisse Special - $95
**If you bring a Friend**
All products 20% off until the end of February
****no special orders in stock items only****
Sweet Heart Package
25 Units Botox
Syringe of Juvederm Ultra Plus
Syringe of Juvederm Ultra Plus
Kiss Me Package
Syringe Juvederm Ultra Plus
Vivite Lip Plumper Vivite Lip Plumper
Botox Available for $9 unit
Register for Brilliant Distinctions and save $25 today
Please Call ASAP Space is Limited
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Friday, January 22, 2010
As we enter into a new decade of uncertainty with governmental legislation for health care reforms i.e. government take over of medicine, Dr. Lewis Obi and his staff are poised for a continued privatized system of medicine. In the works is an active effort to establish a privately based comprehensive breast care center free of government intervention. It is commendable that our local hospitals are establishing specialized centers of breast care. However if our political leaders are successful in their attempts to socialize our health care system then the care provided at these centers would be significantly compromised. Historically, in countries such as England, Canada and France, socialization drove patients to private care centers primarily outside of their national boundaries. As Americans, we will never accept rationed or mediocre healthcare and therefore the demand for a privately based system will escalate. Discerning patients deserve a high quality of medicare care both in the areas of aesthetic as well as reconstructive surgery. Plastic surgery has always been on the forefront of patient advocacy and in the future the last bastion of free enterprise medicine will be in the hands of our plastic surgeons. The history of plastic surgery dates back almost 5000 years as noted by Dr. Lewis Obi’s medical school publication in “Medical World News”. 56 years ago the first kidney transplant was performed by a plastic surgeon, Dr. Joseph Murray, at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston. He later went on to win the Nobel Prize for his accomplishment. Nobel laureates were held in high esteem prior to the dilution of this award by recent political events. Modern day plastic surgeons are comprised of the leading physicians in medicine and with the most comprehensive training. Therefore, as physicians and as plastic surgeons, we have an obligation to lead the cause of preserving the sacred doctor patient relationship free of overbearing governmental intervention.
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