Last May, the
Obi Plastic Surgery Clinic presented a comprehensive blog on the topic of
skin cancers and sunscreens.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) just issued a new directive on this issue and it should be noted that more than 80% of sunscreens on the market are either unsafe or ineffective. This is particularly important with our babies and children as sun exposure during these early years leads to accelerated aging, damage to the immune system, increased incidence of internal as well as skin cancers, cataracts, macular degeneration and numerous other maladies.
Therefore our advice is for limited sun exposure and the safest sunscreen is clothing, hats and sunglasses. However, the majority of Americans are spraying and splashing unsafe chemical on their skin which may not only be internally toxic but also increase the risk of melanomas and other cancers. Drs. Lewis Obi and John Murray together have more than 50 years of combined experience in
treating melanomas and other
skin cancers and both doctors agree that the best treatment is prevention. Therefore, we are republishing our recommendations from
last spring's blog post along with the most recent recommendations from EWG for the selection of safe and effective sunscreens. Dr. Lewis Obiʼs background includes seven years as a practicing Registered Pharmacist (BSP) and along with his decades of experience as a
plastic surgeon, his sage advice is worthy of your attention.
To read the article in its entirety,
click here to see the full PDF version.
To learn more about
The Environmental Working Group and sunscreen, visit their web site at